Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Lease Calculator Hijacked

Our Car Lease Calculator is the most popular page on our entire web site, and has been so for many years. It is unique because it is built with Flash and Actionscript, which allows it to calculate better, faster, and without swapping web pages from a server. Thousands of visitors have used the calculator to help them understand car leasing, as it is not only a calculator but also a learning tool. Every step of the calculator is fully explained so that the user understands how and why the step is important.

Our calculator has become so popular that others have tried to hijack it and hack to their own purposes. Fortunately, the fact that it was developed using Flash makes hacking very difficult. Flash pages are impossible for most web developers to "reverse engineer" and open up to make changes.

However, one company,, has managed to do it. They have not only hacked our copyright-protected Lease Calculator, they have changed the name on it from our company name to theirs, and put it on their own site as their own product.

To make matters worse, they have also distributed their version of our calculator as a free download to dozens of software download web sites all over the Internet as a way of getting publicity for their company. We have notified the company of their violation of our copyright, to no avail. Some companies apparently have no respect for the rights of others and will use these "black-hat" techniques to further their own purposes.

We hope that the company will eventually resolve the problem and stop using our copyrighted product.


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